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Wellness Lincs

Sleaford, Spalding, Boston, Tattershall, Woodhall Spa, Coningsby and surrounding areas.

Blog Posts

11/5/21 ~ Mental health and exercise
Our mental health and physical health goes hand in hand. We are huge supporters of helping people with their mental health as well as exercising the body. I was so honoured to be asked to take part in a podcast for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek with Emma from Inspired to Change in Spalding and Vanessa from Community Mind […]
20/4/21 ~ Keeping on track with a weight loss programme
If you've made a start to change your lifestyle then well done - you've made the first step. It's all about making small changes and try not to expect everything to happen overnight. We know it can be hard to avoid temptations in the cupboard so we've compiled a few tips in this infographic to […]
4/4/21 ~ Healthy lunch on the go
When you're hungry it's all too easy to grab something quick from the vending machine or office canteen. But if you plan ahead you can make much better and more fulfilling choices. Here's a quick, easy and very delicious lunch recipe which can be prepared in under ten minutes, thanks to our friends at Fitpro […]
10/3/21 ~ Getting a better night’s sleep during the pandemic
Reports say that many of us have been having trouble with our sleep during the COVID pandemic and lockdown. Sleep Awareness Week, run by the National Sleep Foundation, is from March 14-20 and aims to promote better ways of sleeping. The Federation of Holistic Therapists also has lots of useful information to help you get […]
3/2/21 ~ Children’s Mental Health Week
Mental health is so important to all of us and we have been reminded of that during Children’s Mental Health Week from February 1-7. Children’s Mental Health Charity Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week back in 2015 to ‘shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health.’ This […]
4/1/21 ~ Our top weight management tips
If you've decided you want to become healthier this year and perhaps are looking to lose some weight, well done on making that first step. Here are some of our top tips to help you stay on track: Try not to weigh yourself every day Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day for a number […]