
29/6/23 ~ Sweetener Aspartame now believed to be a carcinogen

For many years we have been concerned about the use of artificial sweeteners and ingredients. Now the World Health Organisation’s cancer research agency is set to declare Aspartame (used in many foods and drinks as a low calorie sweetener – from Diet Coke to flavoured yoghurts) as a possible carcinogen. A carcinogen is a substance that could cause cancer by damaging the way the body’s cells function.

This is why we encourage our clients to eat foods that are as natural as possible and to avoid products containing man made or processed ingredients. By eating home cooked foods, prepared by yourself, you know exactly what is going into that meal. Drinks and foods containing artificial ingredients or sweeteners should be avoided.

The body was never made to consume these types of manufactured ingredients, and as a result does not know how to process them. In our belief, this is a key source of many illnesses.

So eat smart, prepare your own food wherever you can. Fill up your drinks bottle with water or add a few lemon or orange slices if you want some extra flavour and avoid any ingredients you don’t recognise.



12/5/23 ~ Why walking is so good for our health

There’s nothing better than being immersed in nature and fresh air. Whether it’s a walk in the park, taking a trip beside a river or strolling around your own neighbourhood, walking is something that is accessible to so many of us.

The Mental Health Foundation says that ‘even a short burst of 10 minutes of brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood.’ There’s also the social aspect of walking and talking, as well as moving your body, which is so important for heart health and strengthening our muscles and bones.

We really believe in the benefits of walking and are taking part once again in the North Kesteven Walking Festival this June. We’ll be offering a stroll along the lovely River Witham at Tattershall Bridge on Thursday, June 29th, where you can spot a range of wildlife while getting out in the fresh air. For more details click here.


12/4/23 ~ Why is resistance training so important?

We all know that aerobic exercise is good for us, such as walking, cycling, running or using the stairs instead of the lift.

But why is it important to include resistance or ‘strength’ training in our days too?

As we get older we find that we begin to lose muscle mass as well as bone density. So by continuing to work our muscles and skeletal system by adding in weight bearing exercises we can help to slow down that process and keep as active as possible.

Strength exercises, as well as balance exercises, are also believed by health professionals to reduce our chances of falling and lower our risks of injury.

A strength exercise is simply described as any activity that makes your muscles work harder than usual.

This could be lifting weights, but it can also be heavy gardening, such as digging and shovelling, using resistance bands, sitting to stand or hill walking.

Additionally, building muscle mass can also help you to tone up as muscle tissue burns more calories than body fat, even when you’re at rest.

Try to include two or more sessions of resistance training a week to really reap the benefits and notice a difference.


8/3/23 ~ New seated exercise class

I’m really pleased to be hosting a new seated exercise class at Tattershall Village Hall, in Lincolnshire, starting on April 18th for an initial 6 week trial.

This will be each Tuesday morning from 9-10am.

We’ll do 30 mins aerobic exercise seated, with some resistance work using bands, followed by 30 mins social time with refreshments. I hope that this class will help to provide a place for people to come and do some gentle, yet fun and endorphin boosting exercise while also making friends. The sessions will be £5 each including refreshments, pay as you go.

To find out more and book your space please contact me! Zoe


4/1/23 ~ Budget friendly food

With prices going up, eating healthily but without spending a fortune is possible. We’d like to share with you this easy (and incredibly tasty) minestrone soup recipe which serves 5 people and works out at just 80p per serving!

2 tsps olive oil
180g white onion, chopped
250g carrots, peeled and chopped
2 celery sticks, chopped
¾ tsp sea salt
2 tbsps tomato purée
1.25 litres vegetable stock (made with one organic stock cube)
2 tsps dried oregano
½ tsp ground black pepper
400g (drained weight) tinned cannellini, haricot or pinto beans, drained
400g tinned chopped tomatoes
a sprig of fresh thyme (optional)
150g dried Rigatoni or elbow pasta (use gluten free if preferred)
30g Parmesan cheese, grated (use dairy free if preferred)
a large handful of spinach leaves or kale, stems and ribs removed, chopped

Serves 5

Per serving:
253 calories
12g protein
40g carbs
5g fat


Heat the oil in a large saucepan over a medium flame. Add the onion, carrots, and celery. Fry gently for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Season with the salt.

Stir in the tomato purée, stock, oregano, black pepper, beans, tinned tomatoes and thyme
(if using).

Increase heat until simmering gently. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Stir in the pasta and cook for 10 minutes, or until the pasta is al dente. Top up with more stock or water if the soup is too thick.

Stir in most of the Parmesan cheese and spinach. Cook for 2 minutes, or until the spinach is wilted. Remove the thyme sprig and discard.

Serve garnished with the remaining Parmesan cheese.

Store any leftovers in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 4 days or freeze on same day.


10/12/22 ~ Making a change today!

We’re at the time of year where many of us say to ourselves “we’ll get started on a fitness programme but once Christmas is over and January begins.”
However, January comes round and you get started, then it’s time for a birthday – say in February or March and you find yourself eating a bit of cake and say, “I’ll start again after Easter as there’s going to be chocolate.”
Then it’s summer and you say, “I’ll start after the holidays”, and so it continues.
So this year, be kind to yourself. Yes, there are going to be holidays and events and parties and temptations but that’s no reason not to start now.
Remember, you haven’t blown it if you have a bit of cake or a few chocolates. Keep focusing on what you want to achieve and make your progress measurable. You can do it!


20/10/22 ~ Keeping motivated with activity in winter

As the days get shorter and the weather changes it’s not surprising a lot of us find our ‘get-up-and-go’ flagging at this time of year.
So how can you keep motivated with keeping fit and active at this time of year? Here are some of our tips:

  • Buddy up with a friend and go out for a walk in your lunch break. Take a coffee with you if you like and enjoy your walk and chat.
  • If you prefer to exercise alone, load up your music player or phone with your favourite, motivating music. Pop in your earphones and take a walk or jog. Just make sure that you can still hear other road users if listening to music. Keep safe!
  • Join a group – that might be a fitness class, a walking group or perhaps join in a free guided cycle ride. You can find a ride in your area at: Let’s Ride
  • Set yourself a goal – whether that’s running or walking a 5k, a swim or a fundraising challenge. It really helps to have something to focus on to keep you going.
  • At this time of year we can often head for comfort foods – enjoy your treats as part of a balanced diet. Pile up your dinner plate with lots of lovely winter veg, alongside your protein and other carbs. Stews and soups are really comforting and can be super healthy!

26/8/22 ~ New ladies’ social cycle rides

I’m really pleased to be offering brand new FREE ladies’ social cycle rides in the local area. Starting on September 3rd with our first ride around Billinghay and Walcott, and another chance to ride the route on October 1st, these are offered in my position as a volunteer cycle leader with Breeze. Breeze is an initiative by British Cycling to get more women into cycling.
My rides are for people who are fairly new to cycling or who would like to build up their confidence on a bike and ride with others in a non-competitive, social and friendly environment. Or perhaps it has been a while since you have been on your bike and you would like to get back into cycling with other bike lovers.
The majority of our routes will be on quiet roads or cycle lanes where possible and will always include a stop for coffee and a natter!
Our rides will take place on Saturday or Sunday mornings and will be at an easy going, gentle pace.
Make new friends and enjoy being outdoors while exploring the area on two wheels!


24/6/22 ~ Keeping your weight on track

Whether you’re looking to lose or put on weight an essential tool is to get an idea of the calorie content of different foods. There are a few ways of doing this. One easy way is to look at food packaging and the recommended serving sizes. Other tools that our clients find useful are calorie tracking apps such as Nutracheck or MyFitnessPal.
On average, a woman needs 2,000 calories a day to maintain their weight and a man needs 2,500. This is just a guide, however, and does depend on activity levels and body composition.
So if you’re looking to lose weight you’ll obviously need to eat less calories and more to gain weight.
While sticking to good nutrition is important you don’t have to cut out all the foods you enjoy – just be mindful.
To give you an idea, we’ve listed a few favourite sweet snacks so you can see how many calories are in each.

Mars Bar (51g) = 228 calories

Twix (2 fingers) = 250 calories

3 chocolate digestive biscuits = 258 calories (86 calories each)

Freddo bar (18g) = 95 calories

3 Jaffa cakes = 138 calories (46 calories each)

Dairy Milk bar (45g) = 240 calories


10/5/22 ~ Exercise and arthritis

We read with interest the recent news that exercise is expected to be prescribed over painkillers in treating osteoarthritis. Exercise has many benefits and this is great news. However, we have to bear in mind that exercise is not a ‘one size fits all’ and that the exercise needs to be specific to the individual. We look forward to hearing more about these proposals from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).