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Wellness Lincs

Sleaford, Spalding, Boston, Tattershall, Woodhall Spa, Coningsby and surrounding areas.

4/1/21 ~ Our top weight management tips

If you've decided you want to become healthier this year and perhaps are looking to lose some weight, well done on making that first step. Here are some of our top tips to help you stay on track:
Try not to weigh yourself every day
Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day for a number of reasons and for women it’s normal to put on a few pounds when it’s the time of the month! Stick to weighing yourself once a week and remember that how you feel in your clothes is one of the best ways of measuring your progress.
Watch your portions
It’s easy to overload your plate without realising it! A smaller plate is a good trick to make sure you don’t overdo it.
There’s no ‘magic potion’ to vanish away the pounds
It’s all about balancing your calorie intake with your physical activity and not eating or drinking more calories than your body needs in order to lose weight.
Track your progress
There are some great apps out there with calorie trackers which are a brilliant way to get an idea of how many calories are in different types of food and portion sizes. MyFitnessPal or the NHS calorie checker are among these.
Meal prep
When preparing your evening meal, freeze any leftovers in ready-to-go portions that’ll make a quick meal for another day.
Keep exercising
It’ll help keep your metabolism in tip-top condition as well as boosting your mental and physical health.
Don't give up!
If you have a ‘bad day’ it’s not the end of the world. Start again tomorrow, and remember why you are working to make a change.